With our stock of Aluvision modular exhibition system frames, you easily and quickly build modular walling and exhibition stand structures.
Combine fabric and/or panel graphics for an expressive exhibition stand and an eye-catching visual vehicle for your potential customers.
High quality backlit graphic walls are a must for your exhibition stand. We hold a number of super large illuminated graphic frames which add that extra impact to drive more footfall onto your exhibition booth.
Branded suspended structures provide the ultimate extra eye-catcher above your exhibition stand floorspace. Increase impact through greater visibility within your hall and shout out loud above your competitors. Although additional rigging services are required this can help delegates locate your exhibition booth more easily.
Add our stylish reception counter with a smooth finish, or how about an iPad to the counter to showcase your products or services. With a brand able front logo panel and rear led illumination this is yet another eye popping feature we can supply for you.
Elevate your exhibition stand with our Qik-Link exhibition flooring system. Our floors offer cleverly concealed power cables or your product's wiring looms. Place your products and electrical sockets where ever you want to with an exhibition sub floor - your now unrestricted in socket locations.
Hireable HiLUX LED media tiles can be perfectly combined and seamlessly integrated with our Aluvision frame system. They guarantee an extra wow effect at any trade fair stand or event. A HiLUX LED tiles can create massive media walls, floors, or ceilings structures and can be straight or curved - the possibilities are endless - item only suitable for those with larger budgets.